Friday, March 25, 2016

Commission Black Ops Review + Bonus

This was not something I had intended on examining as I'm leaving for the JVZoo occasion early tomorrow early morning however I had several individuals message me and ask me about it. So I decided to obtain testimonial access and check it out for myself.

Get Commission Black Ops and Bonus PARASITE SEO GUIDE

As you can most likely guess by the name Commission BlackOps is a training product that teaches how to do affiliate marketing. It focuses mainly on the JVZoo platform however the techniques it teaches you will work on just about any type of affiliate platform.

Ill be honest, I personally don't like reading PDF training, probably due to the fact that I spend so much time looking at a computer screen reading/ composing computer system code, so I did not go over the PDF. I did go over the video training which covers the very same things as the printed training.

The first thing I observed about the training was that there is a logo design intro video that you have to watch each time. While the introduction is cool and well done I personally never ever liked it when courses have these introduction videos. I always believed to myself. I don't require you to inform me exactly what Im supervising and over. To be reasonable though, that's just a family pet peeve of mine and it may not annoy many people as it does me. That though the quality of the videos from a technical stand point is quit great. The are well made in both the video and in the audio.

The video training is separated into 5 different modules that have names that stick to the "black ops" theme of the course. While these are enjoyable names they are not super descriptive and makes it a little tough to bear in mind which module you have to return to if you wish to revisit a particular part of the training.

The very first 2 modules of the training are quite standard and are definitely created for the overall rookie. How to get review access and so on. For numerous people these may be largely an evaluation or something they can skip all together.

The remainder of the training is centered around e-mail marketing. Something I have actually done rather well with in multiple ways. Though I consider myself pretty well established as an e-mail marketer when reviewing the training there where times that I wrote things down since some of the important things he pointed out where things I did not even understand and things I wish to be performing in my future projects. This training is fairly great and it provides you some valuable understanding into the experience and techniques of a well established gamer in the IM company.

If your a bit more seasoned than you can skip the very first module or 2 nevertheless I still have no doubt that you are going to find out things from this training (I did). Because this training was something that thought me a thing or 2 and is being sold at an extremely low rate its easy for me to state:

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