Be an expert. Don't stop increasing your knowledge in your chosen niche. Your readers want you to be a great source information all the time. Start your day reading relevant feeds about your niche. Then, mingle with other experts. You'll surely be able to learn from their opinions and experiences.
You need to write your blogs in a way that the average person can understand. Do not ever try to put more than one idea in a sentence to avoid confusing your readers. Make sure you use good punctuation and sentence construction, otherwise you will lose your readers.
Most people forget that a second job interview has a big potential of being... an all-day event. Remember the advice to NOT schedule any other appointments on this day? Well this is the reason why. Imagine that you set up a lunch appointment with your spouse or promised to pick up the kids at school, or said yes to a business dinner appointment with someone else; wouldn't you be stressed out by the thought that you can't make that appointment because you have to stay and finish your second job interview? This stress will show during your job interview!
Keep your postings as short and simple as possible but still easily readable, because once you lose your reader because they can't follow your thread they will go elsewhere.
Be bold with some of your words - People respond typically to big words. Especially those words that encompass the more primal feelings and concerns in their lives. That is why one of the best Writing Tips that I can give you is to be bold with your own rack card words.
If you worked tirelessly, and had money to spend on promotion, you could manage to move 1,000 or so copies in a year. Maybe 3,000. But doing this would be close to working a full-time job. Are you willing to make that kind of commitment?
(7) Time - You are advised to not worry about time. Even if you are on a deadline, you are urged to take your time and not think about it. Worrying about just how much time it takes you to write will have a negative impact on your work. In fact, it is likely to result in more mistakes. Those mistakes take time to fix. If you are looking to write quicker, you should try focusing on your writing, rather than time itself. You may be surprised just how much it helps!
The second type of reference is the fact reference. Even though you do all your research, and second check and make nice long lists of facts... it's never enough. There's always that one little pain in the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. That one fact you have to check either while you're writing or while you're editing (if you're lucky). Traditionally those resources have been a big problem. Encyclopedias and year books have been the desk side references of choice. But the only real choice was the local library. How can a library be a desk side reference? Most libraries have a fact checking service which is available by phone. One little phone call and people who love chasing down facts are let loose on a whole building of facts.
On that note, there are many people that will tell you it is best to 'fib' a bit on a resume. That is to say that you should list experience that you do not actually have. Never, ever do this when you are writing a resume. It might get you the job, but if the employer finds out later that you lied, then you are going to have a serious problem. Sometimes there can be legal repercussions and of course there is the possibility that you will lose your job. This will cancel out all of the hard work you have done and therefore defeat the purpose.
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